Donna L. Marotto is a Catholic licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Connecticut. Her work history is extensive with over seventeen years of experience working with at-risk youth, teens and young adults in jail diversion programs, and group home settings. Donna offers one-on-one spiritual counseling and also conducts Healing Retreats.
Over her years working as a therapist, Donna realized many people not fully experiencing all the beautiful things life has to offer. When offering counsel, Donna is very relatable and meets people where they currently are, guiding them on their journey to a happy, fulfilling life.
Donna has a conversion story of her own. She grew up as a cradle Catholic, but fell away from the Faith to the point of no longer practicing in college. This led her to prioritizing many things before God, including herself. After an encounter with the Holy Spirit, she realized that her actions and behaviors were keeping her from knowing the unconditional love and peace that Jesus brings to all.
This beautiful realization led her back to the Faith and resulted in a major career change from working at ESPN and as a CBS affiliate in Connecticut to working in ministry. She now has a message to spread across churches and nations: Jesus is the true "healer" and Divine Physician. This message helps others to understand that the choices they make in life determine their eternity. Furthermore, this message helps others turn back to God and recognize just how powerful His love for us is. He is here to help us.
In addition to being a therapist, Donna is also a is a Third Order (Lay) Franciscan, a mother, Evangelist, and is very active in the Unbound Healing Ministry. She also works as a Director of Faith Formation in the Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Donna L. Marotto
Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist
License # 001838
Director and Founder of
You are Loved Ministry